Saturday, 29 March 2014

Spinning - Making My Own Yarn

Since my love of Alpacas began, I thought about the process from fleece to yarn, and that's when I became a spinning fanatic! I was then lucky enough to receive my very own Kromski Fantasia Spinning Wheel as a present from my family! To begin with, I found this skill quite hard to grasp. 

My first skein of yarn didn't quite turn out as I wanted it to! It was uneven in places, and it wasn't really how I imagined it to look! But as I have discovered, with most crafts practice makes perfect, and slowly but surely my technique improved along with the standard of my yarn. 

My first attempt was with natural Swaledale (beige) and Teeswater wool (cream) 
Experimenting with assorted fibres is a great way to give your yarn a beautiful intricate texture, so once I had mastered the basic technique, I moved onto new fibres. 

I used died Merino in two tones of duck egg blue with Tussah silk 
From fibre to finished yarn! I spun the two colours of Merino together, and the silk separately. Then I plied them both together, and voilá!

So here is my yarn! Looks so much better than my first attempt, don't you think?
Emma x


  1. Wow, that finished yarn looks amazing! xxx

    1. Thank you! I'm going to continue experimenting with more fibres soon! xx
